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Блаженная Ксения Петербургская

St. Xenia of Rome and her two female slaves (ca. 457). St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, fool-for-Christ (19th c.). Martyrs Babylas of Sicily and his two disciples Timothy and Agapius (3rd c.). St. Macedonius , hermit of Mt. Silpius, near Antioch (ca. 420). Translation of the relics of Monk-martyr Anastasius the Persian (7th c.). St. Gerasim , bishop of Perm (ca. 1449). Martyr John of Kazan (1529). St. Dionysius of Olympus and Mt. Athos (1541). St. Sophia, first abbess of Shamordino Convent (1888). Blessed Valentina (Sulkovskaya) of Minsk (1966). Martyrs Paul , Pausirius , and Theodotian , of Egypt (3rd c.). St. Felician, bishop of Foligno in Italy (254). St. Philo , bishop of Carpasia on Cyprus (5th c.). St. Lupicinus of Lipidiaco (Gaul) (500). St. Cadoc , abbot, of Llancarfan (ca. 580). St. Zosimas of Cilicia, bishop of Babylon in Egypt (6th c.). St. Neophytus the Recluse, of Cyprus (1214). Repose of Bishop Nektary (Kontzevitch) of Seattle (1983).

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