L’Exarchat patriarcal d’Afrique - Église orthodoxe russe
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Преподобный Пимен Великий

St. Poemen the Great, of Egypt (ca. 450). St. Hosius (Osia) the Confessor, bishop of Cordoba (359). St. Liberius the Confessor, pope of Rome (366). St. Poemen of Palestine (ca. 602). Hieromartyr Kuksha and St. Pimen the Faster, of the Near Caves in Kiev (after 1114). St. Sabbas, monk, of Benephali. Uncovering of the relics of St. John Gashkevich, archpriest, of Korma (1991). and Stephen Nemkov, priest (with 18 other martyrs) (1918), all of Nizhni-Novgorod. New Hieromartyr Methodius (Ivanov), abbot, of Sukovo (Moscow) (1937). St. Praulius, archbishop of Jerusalem (422). St. Caesarius, bishop of Arles (543). Great-martyr Phanurius the Newly Appeared, of Rhodes. Slaying of Archimandrite Symeon (Kholmogorov), spiritual writer (1937), and repose of Archimandrite Sergius (Ozerov) of New Valaam Monastery in Siberia (1937).

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