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Diocese of Southern Africa

Dozens of young parishioners were present at the seminar at the Vihiga deanery in Kenya In Kenya, at the Vihiga deanery, a youth seminar took place, the participants of which were 46 young parishioners from eight parishes. Preparation is ongoing to transition the non-canonical community of Gabon to the Russian Orthodox Church With this purpose, a missionary Alexander Lyulka visited the country, where he gave catechetical talks in all four parishes inside the community: Libreville, Ntoum, and Abing-Assi. Kenyan deans meet in Nairobi On 9th July 2023, with the blessing of Metropolitan Leonid of Klin, Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, a meeting of Kenyan deans took place in Nairobi. Chairman of Exarchate’s Missionary Department celebrates divine service in the capital of Zimbabwe On 8th of July, Priest George Maximov, chairman of the Missionary Department of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa, celebrated a divine service in Harare, capital of Zimbabwe. Orthodox community in Beira, Mozambique, was received into Russian Orthodox Church An Orthodox Christian community in the city of Beira, Republic of Mozambique, was received into the bosom of the Russian Orthodox Church. Chairman of the Exarchate Missionary Department visits Malawi Priest George Maximov, chair of the Missionary Department of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa, completed his visit to Malawi. Clergy of Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa grow in number On 25th June 2023, 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, Priests Paul Matovu and Thomas Ssebiranda, who had joined the Russian Orthodox Church, con-celebrated with Priest Paul Balyeku the Divine Liturgy at the Parish of the Holy Great Prince Vladimir, ... Six Kenyans were baptized at St Vladimir Parish in Vihiga On 25th June 2023, 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, Priest Kyriakos Kipchumba celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Parish of the Holy Prince Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles, in Serem village, Vihiga County, Kenya. Chairman of Exarchate Missionary Department completes his visit to Angola On 18th June 2023, Sunday of All Saints Who Shone Forth in the Russian Land, Father George celebrated the Liturgy at the Russian school in Luanda, capital of Angola. Metropolitan Leonid tells about church relief aid to victims of natural disaster in Malawi Metropolitan Leonid of Klin, Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, wrote in his Telegram channel about relief work of the Russian Orthodox Church aimed at helping people affected by Cyclone Freddy in Malawi.
Official website of the MP
Official website of the DECR of the MP
Church of All Saints on Kulishki