Preparation is ongoing to transition the non-canonical community of Gabon to the Russian Orthodox Church - Exarchate of Africa
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Preparation is ongoing to transition the non-canonical community of Gabon to the Russian Orthodox Church

Preparation is ongoing to transition the non-canonical community of Gabon to the Russian Orthodox Church.

With this purpose, a missionary Alexander Lyulka visited the country, where he gave catechetical talks in all four parishes inside the community: Libreville, Ntoum, and Abing-Assi.

«Believers were listening to the lectures with genuine interest. They learned about the differences between Orthodoxy, Catholicity, and Protestantism, they asked questions, and asked for books – it is a great pleasure to see such a desire to learn about the faith. Apart from the lectures, Alexander Vyacheslavovich held a workshop on church singing in the Russian Orthodox tradition,» wrote Metropolitan Leonid of Klin in his Telegram channel.

The Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa

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