The Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Konstantin of Zaraisk to the priests, deacons, monastics and all the faithful of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa - Exarchate of Africa
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The Paschal Epistle of Metropolitan Konstantin of Zaraisk to the priests, deacons, monastics and all the faithful of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa

Metropolitan Konstantin of Zaraisk sent Paschal Epistle to the priests, deacons, monastics and all the faithful of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa.

Dear fathers, brothers and sisters!


I wholeheartedly greet you on the great feast of Christ’s Resurrection! Pascha, the Resurrection of Christ is a feast of victory of good over evil, life over death.

Death entered into the lives of mankind as a result of sin. Christ, True God and True Man, who himself was without sin, died on the Cross for our sins. He arose and defeated the power of death. Now, death does not eternally separate us from God and our loved ones. It is a temporary state, similar to sleep, after which there will surely be resurrection and a long-awaited meeting with God.

The Resurrection of Christ opens to us the door of Heaven and gives us the opportunity to enter the Heavenly Kingdom, to eternally be in union with God and each other. The Kingdom of Heaven, according to the words of our Saviour “is within you” (Gospel of Luke, chapter 17, verse 21). It begins right here, in us, in our hearts, when we reject sin, try to do good deeds, when we appeal to God in prayer, read the Holy Gospels, participate in the Mysteries of the Church. All of this makes us participants of eternal life with Christ right here and now.

Last week reminded us of the passions of our Lord. We emphasized with Him and were co-participants of the great mystery of man’s salvation in God. Today we are triumphant together with Christ! We rejoice with each other. Paschal joy gives man a feeling of interconnectedness with eternity, of meeting God.

I wish that you all preserve this sense of joy, this experience of union with God, union that is only possible because Christ is Truly Risen!

Konstantin, Metropolitan of Zaraisk, Patriarchal Exarch of Africa



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