Metropolitan Konstantin of Zaraysk consecrates a church in Kenyan village of Bukura - Exarchate of Africa
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Metropolitan Konstantin of Zaraysk consecrates a church in Kenyan village of Bukura

On 19th August, Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, Metropolitan Konstantin of Zaraysk, Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, celebrated the lesser consecration of the Church of the Holy Apostle Mark in Bukura village, Kakamega deanery, Kenya, and officiated at the Divine Liturgy in the newly-consecrated church.

Concelebrating with the hierarch were Priest George Maximov, chairman of the Missionary Department of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa; Priest Arsenios Chitwa, local dean; and all clerics of the deanery. A sermon before the communion was given by Rev. George Maximov.

After the divine service, Metropolitan Konstantin delivered an archpastoral homily and congratulated the local clergy and laity on the Feast the Holy Transfiguration, website of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa reports.

The archpastor presented icons of the Saviour and Most Holy Theotokos as a gift for the newly-consecrated church.

A festive concert followed the Liturgy. During the celebrations, the clerics clothed Metropolitan Konstantin in traditional garments of an African leader.

That same day later, the hierarch and his fellow travellers visited the Parishes of Great Martyr George the Victory-Bearer in Bukura, Great Martyr Panteleimon in Ebuyangu village and Great Martyr Irene in Maseno village.

Patriarchal exarchate of Africa

Translation: DECR Communication service

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