The Patriarchal Exarch of Africa celebrates Liturgy in the Kenyan Town of Nyabini - Exarchate of Africa
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The Patriarchal Exarch of Africa celebrates Liturgy in the Kenyan Town of Nyabini

On January 16, the Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, Metropolitan Konstantin of Zaraisk, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Orthodox Educational Center dedicated to the Apostle Barnabas in the town of Nyabini (Nyeri Deanery), Kenya.

The archpastor was concelebrated by: the Chairman of the Missionary Department of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa, Priest Georgy Maximov; the Deans of the Nyeri, Meru, and Central Church Districts, Priest Vasily Waicha, Priest Theokletos Kithinji, Priest James Karanja; and new clergy of the Exarchate who recently joined the Russian Orthodox Church, including Archpriest Paul Mbataru, Priest Methodius Kariuki, and Priest Philip Kamau.

The educational institution houses and educates over 200 children. The school’s director is the newly appointed cleric of the Exarchate, Priest Methodius Kariuki.

The Liturgy was celebrated in English, Swahili, and Church Slavonic, as reported by the website of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa. The service was attended by local government representatives, the Executive Director of the Fund for the Support of Christian Culture and Heritage, E.I. Skopenko, along with members of the delegation, students, and local residents.

At the conclusion of the service, Metropolitan Konstantin addressed the congregation with a sermon. Commemorative gifts were distributed to all in attendance.

A festive concert was organized to mark the arrival of the distinguished guests, featuring performances by the students of the school.

Following the service, the Metropolitan met with the school’s director and familiarized himself with the conditions of the students’ education and living arrangements.

The Metropolitan also held interviews with individuals desiring to enroll in the seminary.

Later, Metropolitan Konstantin visited the church dedicated to St. Nektarios of Aegina, as well as another church and clinic currently under construction nearby. The construction projects are overseen by the rector of the church, Priest Methodius Kariuki.

On the same day, the Exarch visited the church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which is under construction in the village of Gilgil (Nakuru County). Metropolitan Konstantin sang the Troparion and Magnification to the saint, after which he spoke with the parish rector, Priest Theodore Mwangi, and inspected the progress of the construction. The hierarch distributed icons and crosses to the faithful.

Patriarchal exarchate of Africa

Translation: DECR Communication service


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