Bishop Konstantin of Zaraisk baptizes thirty locals in the Tanzanian village of Kimamba - Exarchate of Africa
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Bishop Konstantin of Zaraisk baptizes thirty locals in the Tanzanian village of Kimamba

On March 4, Bishop Konstantin of Zaraisk, acting Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the church of St. Nicholas the Miracleworker, which is under construction in the village of Kimamba, Kilosa district, Morogoro region, Tanzania.

Concelebrating with the hierarch were archimandrite Zacharias (Mulingwa), a student of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy; Rev. Georgy Maximov, chair of the Missionary Department of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa; and clergy of the Exarchate’s Central Deanery in Tanzania.

At the end of the service, Bishop Konstantin performed the Sacrament of Baptism.

After catechization, thirty local adults and children joined the Church of Christ, website of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa reports.

Also, Bishop Konstantin visited the parish of St. Innocent, Bishop of Irkutsk, an Orthodox community of the Maasai tribe in Sokoine village.

Patriarchal exarchate of Africa

Translation: DECR Communication service

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