Abridged prayers books published in Tiv, Kirundu and Swahili languages - Exarchate of Africa
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Abridged prayers books published in Tiv, Kirundu and Swahili languages

Abridged editions of prayer books have been published in Tiv (Nigeria), Kirundu (Burundi) and Swahili languages.

“The first batch has already been sent to Nigeria. Next in line, at Easter, are Burundi and Tanzania,” Metropolitan Leonid of Klin, Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, wrote in his Telegram channel.

“These prayer books will help believers start praying regularly in accord with the tradition of the Russian Orthodox Church,” the hierarch noted, “These are the first ever publications in the aforementioned languages. The Greek Church did translations of liturgical books from time to time, but prayer books for believers were never translated or published.”

As of today, the prayer books have also been translated into Acholi (Uganda), Bemba (Zambia), Malagasy (Madagascar), Kikuyu (Kenya) and other African languages and are being prepared for publication.

Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa

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