Patriarchal Exarch of Africa celebrates in the city of Kisumu, Kenya - Exarchate of Africa
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Patriarchal Exarch of Africa celebrates in the city of Kisumu, Kenya

On August 17, Metropolitan Konstantin of Zaraisk, Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, arrived in the city of Kisumu in western Kenya. He is accompanied by Rev. Georgy Maksimov, chairman of the Exarchate’s Missionary Department, and reader V. Dendyuk, bishop’s private secretary.

On August 18, on the eve of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Bishop Konstantin presided over the Divine Liturgy. He was assisted by Rev. Georgy Maksimov, and the deans of six deaneries, namely, Rev. Titus Kipngeni, Nandi; Rev. Petros Lutomia, Lugari; Rev Angelos Oribe, Homa Bay; Rev. Patapios Chasia, Migori; Rev. Arsenios Chitwa, Kakamega; Rev. Nikanor Shilesi, Vihiga; as well as clergymen from these deaneries. The sermon before Holy Communion was delivered by Rev. Georgy Maksimov.

After the service, Metropolitan Konstantin addressed the worshippers with an archpastoral word, website of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa reports.

All parishioners were given crosses and small icons.

On the same day, a meeting of clergy of the six deaneries took place under the chairmanship of Bishop Konstantin. The participants considered a number of issues related to church life in Kenya. The results were summarized and prospects for the development of the Russian Orthodox Church’s mission in the country were outlined.

At the end of the meeting, the clergymen were presented with memorable gifts.

Patriarchal exarchate of Africa

Translation: DECR Communication service

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