Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa launches new training course for clergymen - Exarchate of Africa
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Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa launches new training course for clergymen

The Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa and the Synodal Missionary Department are about to launch a new training course for clergymen.

The French language will be used this time for classes and liturgical practice.

“Today we’ve met our students from the Republic of Madagascar, Deacon Makarios Odilon and Alexey Herizo,” Metropolitan Leonid of Klin wrote in his Telegram channel, “Among those who will take the training course are clergymen and church workers from Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Classes will start on the third week of Lent.”

At the same time, liturgical practice continues for the English-speaking clergy who were ordained upon completing the course in December 2022 and January 2023.

Priests Paul Aime and Sergy Voyemawa and Deacon Savva Kadjawa will be serving in the Moscow churches until the end of Lent and return to their parishioners for celebrating Holy Week and Easter services.

Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa

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