Patriarchal Exarch of Africa holds pastoral meeting in Zambia - Exarchate of Africa
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Patriarchal Exarch of Africa holds pastoral meeting in Zambia

On February 25, in the capital of Zambia, Lusaka, the Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, Metropolitan Konstantin of Zaraisk, held a pastoral meeting.

The meeting was attended by the rector of the Cathedral of St. Sergius of Radonezh of the South African Diocese in Johannesburg (South Africa), who is temporarily serving as the rector of the St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Lusaka, Archpriest Daniil Lugovoy, as well as Zambian clergy, Priest Barnabas Ntasha and Priest Sylvester Mumbi.

During the meeting, current issues of parish life were discussed.

Priest Sylvester Mumbi has been appointed as the new dean of the parishes of the South African Diocese in Zambia.

At the end of the event, His Eminence presented the priests with commemorative gifts.

On the same day, Metropolitan Konstantin conducted an interview with a candidate for ordination to the priesthood, Apostolos Musonda, and blessed him to undergo preparation under the guidance of Archpriest Daniil Lugovoy.

Patriarchal exarchate of Africa

Translation: DECR Communication service

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