The Christmas Epistle
of the Patriarchal Exarch of Africa
the Metropolitan of Zaraisk Konstantin
to the clergy, monastics and faithful
of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa of the Russian Orthodox Church
Dear fathers, brothers and sisters!
I wholeheartedly greet you on the great feast of the Nativity of Our Lord!
The Church, in its liturgical hymns proclaims to us, that the Nativity of Our Saviour has revealed the Truth to the whole world, and gave us the ability to comprehend it.
The main point is that God has revealed Himself as a God-man, True God and true man without sin. From the very start of His mission to the people, Christ has shown us humility and meekness, being born not in a royal palace, but rather in a cave where cattle were kept.
The first to come worship Christ were shepherds from a nearby field, bringing to Him the gift of a clean and simple heart. After them, coming from afar, undergoing a difficult journey of learning, came the magi to bring the Heavenly King gifts that were precious in their meaning. Now, standing before Christ as the shepherds and the magi did, let us bring to him the gifts of our love.
“If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word” says Christ to us (Gospel of John, chapter 14, verse 23).
He who loves Christ attempts to implement in his life that which He teaches us. He teaches us to live according to our conscience and to become closer to God and our neighbours. He teaches us to be honest, to help others, to not hold any grudges towards others, to not be jealous of others. He teaches us to overcome difficulties in our lives and to give others the warmth of our hearts. But not only does He teach, He also gives us an example through His life and gives us the strength to follow His commandments.
Let the Lord Who is Born strengthen all of us in love and life according to the Gospel.
I wish for you all God’s help in your life and labours.
I invoke God’s blessing upon you.
The Metropolitan of Zaraisk, Konstantin
Patriarchal Exarch of Africa
of the Russian Orthodox Church