15th Sunday after Pentecost.
The Conception of the Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John. Glorification of St. Innocent , metropolitan of Moscow, enlightener of Alaska and Siberia (1977). Sts. Xanthippa and Polyxena, of Spain, disciples of the Apostles (109). Virgin-martyr Irais (Rhais) of Alexandria (308). Martyrs Andrew and John, and his sons Peter and Antoninus, of Syracuse, martyred in Africa (9th c.). Synaxis of the Saints of Spain and Portugal. “Hawaiian” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (2007). St. Adomnan (Adamnan) , abbot, of Iona (704). New Martyr Nicholas the Grocer, at Constantinople (1672). New Martyr John of Epirus (1814). Repose of Abbess Eupraxia of Old Ladoga Convent (1823) and Hieroschemamonk Jerome of Solovki (1847).