Kenyan deans meet in Nairobi - Exarchate of Africa
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Kenyan deans meet in Nairobi

On 9th July 2023, with the blessing of Metropolitan Leonid of Klin, Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, a meeting of Kenyan deans took place in Nairobi.

The meeting was preceded by the Divine Liturgy. Concelebrating it were 16 priests.

The day before the divine service, the Kenyan clergy went to confession to the diocesan father confessor. It marked yet another step in introducing the practice of confessions into the African Orthodoxy, for there is almost no such practice in the Church of Alexandria. The priests were grateful for such valuable and much needed spiritual experience.

After the Liturgy, Priest George Maximov, chairman of the Exarchate’s Missionary Department, handed over antimensions, holy chrism, incense and sets of liturgical utensils donated by the Russian clergy and laity to the priests who had joined the Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Before the meeting, the priests offered prayers for deceased Rev. John Chasya.

The participants in the meeting discussed results of the work carried out over the first six months of 2023, which included:

Father George Maximov conveyed blessings from Metropolitan Leonid, Patriarchal Exarch of Africa, to the priests and thanked them for their work.

In a brotherly manner the participants in the meeting discussed various issues pertaining to church life in the country.

Patriarchal Exarchate of Africa


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