ksusha, Автор в L’Exarchat patriarcal d’Afrique - Page 6 sur 10
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Свт. Арсений, митр. Ростовский

St. John Cassian the Roman, abbot, of Marseilles (435). St. Basil the Confessor (ca. 750). St. Arsenius (Matsievich), metropolitan of Rostov, confessor (1772). Hieromartyr Nestor , bishop of Magydos, at Perge in Pamphylia (250). Sts. Marina and Kyra , nuns, of Beroea in Syria (ca. 450). Hieromartyr Proterius , patriarch of Alexandria, and six companions (457). St. John , called Barsanuphius, of Nitria in Egypt (5th c.). St. Theosterictus the Confessor, abbot, of Pelecete Monastery near Prusa (8th c.). Blessed Nicholas of Pskov, fool-for-Christ (1576). St. Cassian, founder of Muezersk Hermitage (before 16th c.). St. Cassian, recluse and faster of the Kiev Caves (14th-16th c.). St. Meletius, archbishop of Kharkov (1840). “Devpeteruv” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1392). Apostles of the Seventy Nymphas and Eubulus (1). St. Romanus, desert-dweller of Condat in the Jura Mountains (Gaul) (460). St. Germanus of Dacia Pontica (Dobrogea, Romania) (5th c.). St. Oswald , archbishop of York (992). New Virgin-martyr Kyranna of Thessalonica (1751). St. Barsus of Damascus, bishop

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