الإكسارخوس البطريركي في أفريقيا - الصفحة 6 من 6 - الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية الروسية
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Святители Афанасий и Кирилл Александрийские

St. Athanasius the Great (373) and St. Cyril (444), archbishops of Alexandria. Sts. Cyril , schemamonk, and Maria , schemanun (ca. 1337), parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh. St. Marcian , monk, of Cyrrhus in Syria (388). St. Athanasius , monk of Valaam and abbot of Syandema (1550). St. Athanasius , founder of Navolotsk Monastery (Karelia) (16th c-17th c.). St. Cyril, abbot, of Kiev (c. 1146). St. Alexis (Shushania), hieromonk, of Teklati, Georgia (1923). New Hieromartyr Vladimir Zubkovich, archpriest, of Smolevichi (Belorussia) (1937). Martyr Theodula and her companions Helladius, Boethius, Evagrius, and Macarius, of Anazarbus in Cilicia (ca. 304). St. Ephraim, bishop of Mylasa in Caria (Asia Minor) (5th c.). St. Leobardus of Marmoutier (6th c.). St. Ninnidh of Inismacsaint (Ireland) (6th c.). St. Ephraim the Lesser (the Philosopher) of Georgia (1101). St. Joachim, patriarch of Turnovo (1248). St. Maximus of Serbia, archbishop of Wallachia (1516). Slaying of Bishop Paul de Ballester-Convallier of Mexico (1984).

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95 675 ₽
Нужно 3 200 000 ₽
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Нужно 720 000 ₽
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Нужно 660 000 ₽

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