الإكسارخوس البطريركي في أفريقيا - الصفحة 2 من 5 - الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية الروسية
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Собор архистратига Михаила и прочих небесных сил

Synaxis of the Archangels Michael , Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salaphiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel, and Jeremiel and the Other Bodiless Powers. Righteous Maria, princess of Pskov (Martha in monasticism) (1300). New Martyr Michael the Blessed, of Chernigov (1922). St. Tysilio, prince of Powys, abbot, of Meifod, Wales (7th c.). St. Willihad, bishop of Bremen (Germany) (789). Seventy Monk-martyrs of the Archangel Michael Monastery at Prevlaka (Montenegro), poisoned by the Latins (1452). Repose of Nun Barbara of Birsk (1903), Elder Photius of Valaam (1942), Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of New York (1985), and Priest George Calciu of Romania and Alexandria, Virginia (2006).

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