Πατριαρχικός Έξαρχος Αφρικής - Σελίδα 3 από 11 - Η Ρωσική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία
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Печерская икона Божией Матери с предстоящими Антонием и Феодосием
03 May 2024 (16 May 2024 new style)

2nd Week after Pascha.

Martyrs Timothy the Reader and his wife Maura , of Antinoe in Egypt (ca. 286). St. Theodosius , abbot of the Kiev Caves Monastery and founder of coenobitic monasticism in Russia (1074). St. Peter the Wonderworker, bishop of Argos (ca. 928). Translation of the Dormition Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos from Constantinople to the Kiev Caves Lavra (1073). St. Theophanes of Vatopedi, metropolitan of Peritheorion (14th c.). Schema-abbess Juliana (1393) and Schemanun Eupraxia (1394), of the Monastery of the Conception in Moscow. St. Gregory, bishop of Rostov and Yaroslavl (1416). New Hieromartyr Vladimir Izvolsky, archpriest, of Manchuria (1930). “Svensk” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1288). Great-martyr Xenia the Wonderworker, of the Peloponnese (318). St. Ecumenius the Wonderworker, bishop of Tricca (4th c.). St. Mamai , catholicos of Georgia (744). Sts. Michael and Arsenius the Georgians (9th c.). St. Ansfried, bishop of Utrecht (1010). Martyr Paul of Vilnius, Lithuania (17th c.). New Martyr Achmed (Ahmet) the Calligrapher, at Constantinople (1682). St. Irodion, abbot, of Lainici Monastery (Romania) (1900). Martyrs Diodorus and Rhodopianus, deacon, at Aphrodisia in Anatolia (285-305). Finding of the relics of St. Luke of Mt. Steirion (953). Sts. Silas (1783), Paisius and Nathan (1784), monks of Putna Monastery (Moldova).

Έγγραφα Όλα τα έγγραφα

Άλμπουμ Όλες οι φωτογραφίες

Βίντεο Όλα τα βίντεο

Επίσημη ιστοσελίδα Πατριαρχάτου της Μόσχας
Επίσημη ιστοσελίδα του Τμήματος των Εξωτερικών Σχέσεων Πατριαρχάτου Μόσχας
Ιερός Ναός των Αγίων Πάντων στο Κουλίσκι